Sunday, March 11, 2007

Backward Glance

ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY YEARS (1765-1955) is a long period of time, and to enable us to take a backward glance let us look at some contemporary history.
George III was on the throne of England. The Seven Years War between England and France had ended and Britain had acquired vast possessions in America. Our ancestors in Scotland and Ireland chafing under their inability to acquire land turned eager eyes to the new world where they felt their great longing for the acquisition of land could be realized. Every ship sailing from the shores of Britain toward America was crowded with eager immigrants.
On such a ship in the year 1760 sailed a youth of 20 years; James Fulton by name, from Londonderry, Ireland, followed later by several of his brothers. Thus, the territory along the Cobequid shore was called Londonderry, and James Fulton became the first settler of Bass River.

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